Israel stocks bullish in U.S.

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*Stocks of nearly 75 Israeli-related companies are now traded in U.S. markets, primarily on NASDAQ, more than those of any other foreign country, except Canada.

The combined market value of these companies tops $21 billion. This year, more than 100 Israeli companies will be listed.

*Venture capitalists are now investing more money in Israeli companies than those of Britain, France and Germany combined.

In 1996, foreign investments in Israel increased by more than 100 percent.

*Israel's gross national product per capita stands at $16,900, making the country one of the world's wealthier nations.

*Israeli exports are reaching new markets, especially in the Far East, Eastern Europe and Arab nations.

As to the impact of the recent rise of the Likud government, Haim Nissenson, the chief executive officer of Rada Electronics, said he had seen no change of attitude on the part of Arab and European trading partners.

Robert Rosenschein, president of Accent Software, concurred.

He said that "peace has opened certain doors, and once they are open they are hard to close. The attitude is politics is politics, and business is business."