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Lifecycles for the week of Sept. 21, 2018

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Alisa Sosnick and Mark Askanas were joined in marriage on Aug. 19
Alisa Sosnick and Mark Askanas were joined in marriage on Aug. 19

Alisa Sosnick and Mark Askanas were joined in marriage on Aug. 19. Alisa is the mother of Olivia and Sophia Law and the daughter of Victoria Zackheim and Ron and Jill Sosnick. Mark is the father of Isabelle and Anna Askanas and the son of Lita Askanas and the late Charles Askanas. The newlyweds are making their home in Montara.

Ashley Bear
Daughter of Bonnie Frank and Alan Bear, Saturday, Sept. 29 at Congregation Rodef Sholom in San Rafael.

Jonathan Bear
Son of Bonnie Frank and Alan Bear, Saturday, Sept. 29 at Congregation Rodef Sholom in San Rafael.

Abigail Brotman
Daughter of Cathy and Charles Brotman, Saturday, Sept. 22 at Temple Isaiah in Lafayette.

Caleb Darsky
Son of Aaron Darsky, Saturday, Sept. 29 at Congregation Emanu-El in San Francisco.

Ashley Ehrenpreis
Daughter of Ellen and Ira Ehrenpreis, Saturday, Sept. 22 at Congregation Beth Jacob in Redwood City.

Andrew Eidelhoch
Son of Sarah and Arthur Eidelhoch, Saturday, Sept. 29 at Congregation Emanu-El in San Francisco.

Nathan Felsenthal
Son of Amy and Martin Felsenthal, Saturday, Sept. 22 at Congregation Emanu-El in San Francisco.

Charles Gaebe
Son of Stacy and Andrew Gaebe, Saturday, Sept. 22 at Congregation Rodef Sholom in San Rafael.

Adina Rose Golbus
Daughter of Jennifer L. and Aaron K. Golbus, Saturday, Oct. 6 at Congregation Rodef Sholom in San Rafael.

Jonah Leonard Golbus
Son of Jennifer L. and Aaron K. Golbus, Saturday, Oct. 6 at Congregation Rodef Sholom in San Rafael.

Michael “Misha” Goldberg
Son of Nancy and Leonard Goldberg, Saturday, Oct. 6 at Congregation Emanu-El in San Francisco.

Ben Grapa
Son of Arie and Jackie Grapa, Saturday, Sept. 22 at Congregation Kol Emeth in Palo Alto.

Leigh Hausman
Daughter of Liza and Jeffery Hausman, Saturday, Oct. 6 at Congregation Beth Am in Los Altos Hills.

Holden Kowitt
Son of Casey Inman and Matthew Kowitt, Saturday, Sept. 29 at Congregation Beth Jacob in Redwood City.

Madeline Lazarus
Daughter of Rebecca and the late Jonathan Lazarus, Saturday, Sept. 22 at Or Shalom Jewish Community in San Francisco.

Lauren Levenston
Daughter of Nga Dang and Marc Levenston, Saturday, Sept. 22 at Congregation Beth Am in Los Altos Hills.

Lauren Levine
Daughter of Susie and Paul Levine, Saturday, Sept. 29 at Congregation Beth Am in Los Altos Hills.

Naomi Lowenthal
Daughter of Beth Delson and Steven Lowenthal, Saturday, Oct. 6 at Congregation Beth Am in Los Altos Hills.

Jacob Bear Simcha Mahgel-Friedman
Jacob Bear Simcha Mahgel-Friedman

Jacob Bear Simcha Mahgel-Friedman, son of Nell and Rabbi Chaim Mahgel-Friedman, will celebrate becoming a bar mitzvah on Oct. 13 at Congregation Beth Israel in Berkeley. Bear’s proud grandparents are Sondra and Gerald Malloy of Placitas New Mexico, Mary Spoerer of San Francisco and Howard Jacob Friedman of blessed memory.

Malia Malden
Daughter of Heidi and Matthew Malden, Saturday, Sept. 22 at Peninsula Temple Beth El in San Mateo.

Ellis Moss
Son of Melissa Diamant and Doug Moss, Saturday, Sept. 22 at Temple Beth Abraham in Oakland.

Eliza Mutz
Daughter of Alison Marsden and Mitchell Mutz, Saturday, Sept. 29 at Congregation Etz Chayim in Palo Alto.

Tegan Myers
Daughter of Sara and Thane Myers, Saturday, Oct. 6 at Peninsula Temple Beth El in San Mateo.

Alexandra Parecki
Daughter of Karen and David Parecki, Saturday, Sept. 29 at Peninsula Temple Beth El in San Mateo.

Emma Rensin
Daughter of Lia and Dave Rensin, Saturday, Oct. 6 at Congregation Kol Emeth in Palo Alto.

Bernard David
Resnick Son of Kimberly and Mark Resnick, Saturday, Sept. 22 at Congregation Rodef Sholom in San Rafael.

Bodhi Ring
Daughter of Kate von Sternberg-Ring and Brian Ring, Saturday, Oct. 6 at Peninsula Temple Beth El in San Mateo.

Zohar Schnaider
Daughter of Joelle and Dov Schnaider, Saturday, Sept. 22 at Congregation Beth Sholom in San Francisco.

Mira Schoenberg
Daughter of Karen Fierer and Debra Schoenberg, Saturday, Oct. 6 at Temple Sinai in Oakland.

Annie Schwartz
Daughter of Dana Nachman and Peter Schwartz, Saturday, Sept. 29 at Congregation Beth Am in Los Altos Hills.

Avi Micah Shapero, son of Joanne Cohen and Michael Shapero of San Francisco, will become a bar mitzvah on Saturday, Oct. 6 at 4 p.m. at the Marin Art and Garden Center in Ross.

Juliet Shaywitz
Daughter of Diana Brainard and David Shaywitz, Saturday, Sept. 29 at Peninsula Temple Sholom in Burlingame.

Benjamin Skiles
Son of Rebecca Skiles and Aaron Skiles, Saturday, Oct. 6 at Temple Beth Abraham in Oakland.

Amelie Stotland
Daughter of Kenwyn Saccone and Doug Stotland, Saturday, Sept. 22 at Congregation Beth Am in Los Altos Hills.

Eden Swint
Daughter of Alissa Levy and Brad Swint, Saturday, Oct. 6 at Temple Isaiah in Lafayette.

Aviyam Trauner
Son of Jessica Trauner and Joshua Trauner, Saturday, Oct. 6 at Congregation Beth El in Berkeley.

Harry Waterman
Son of Heather Waterman and Kenneth Berland, Saturday, Sept. 29 at Congregation Beth El in Berkeley.

Naya Woods
Daughter of Rebecca Marcus-Woods and Brendon Woods, Saturday, Oct. 6 at Congregation Emanu-El in San Francisco.