Lifecycle announcements for the week of Oct. 14, 2022

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B’nai Mitzvahs

Noah Auffhamer
Son of Lori and Max Auffhammer, Saturday, Oct. 22, at Congregation B’nai Tikvah in Walnut Creek.

Aaron Bennett
Aaron Bennett

Aaron Bennett
Son of Ilana Friedkin and Reed Bennett, grandson of Miriam and Gerald Friedkin of Piedmont and Joni Eisen and Chuck Bennett of San Francisco, Saturday, Oct. 8, at Beth Jacob Congregation in Oakland.

Noah Cheng
Noah Cheng

Noah Cheng
Son of Abigail Karlin-Resnick and Andrew Cheng, Saturday, Oct.  15, at Congregation Beth Am in Los Altos Hills.

Graycie Duncan-Horning
Daughter of Emily and Jeffrey Duncan-Horning, Saturday, Oct. 2, at Congregation Beth Am in Los Altos Hills.

Graycie Duncan-Horning (left) and Willehm Duncan-Horning
Graycie Duncan-Horning (left) and Willehm Duncan-Horning

Willehm Duncan-Horning
Son of Emily and Jeffrey Duncan-Horning, Saturday, Oct. 2, at Congregation Beth Am in Los Altos Hills.

Brendan Fells
Son of Cheryl Jacobs and Adam Fells, Saturday, Oct. 22, at Congregation Rodef Sholom in San Rafael.

Ello Hoffer
Ello Hoffer

Ello Hoffer
Child of Emily and Dave Hoffer, Saturday, Oct. 22, at Temple Sinai in Oakland.

Zoe Kaul
Daughter of Andrea Fleischman and Bhavuk Kaul, Saturday, Oct. 22, at Congregation Emanu-El in San Francisco.

Benjamin Kline
Son of Kimberly Kline, Saturday, Oct. 22, at Temple Isaiah in Lafayette.

Benjamin Nathan Levy-Chong
Son of Amnon Levy and Nick Chong, Saturday, Oct. 15, at Congregation Beth Am in Los Altos Hills.

Benjamin Nathan Levy-Chong 
Benjamin Nathan Levy-Chong

Joseph Oliff
Son of Kimberly and Andrew Oliff, Saturday, Oct. 22, at Peninsula Temple Sholom in Burlingame.

Coltrane Elan Scott
Coltrane Elan Scott

Ari Perttula
Son of Kelsi and Andrew Perttula, Saturday, Oct. 22, at Temple Beth Abraham in Oakland.

Coltrane Elan Scott
Son of Karen and Kennan Scott, Saturday, Oct. 22, at Temple Sinai in Oakland.

Benjamin Shedroff
Benjamin Shedroff

Benjamin Shedroff
Son of Tracy and Marc Shedroff, Saturday, Oct. 22, at Congregation Beth Am Los Altos Hills.

Simon Spiegelman
Simon Spiegelman

Simon Spiegelman
Son of Robin and Adam Spiegelman, Saturday, Oct. 15, at Temple Sinai in Oakland.

Juliet Sugar
Daughter of Lisa and Brian Sugar, Saturday, Oct. 22, at Congregation Emanu-El in San Francisco.

Sebastian Weiner (left) and Noah Weiner (right)
Sebastian Weiner (left) and Noah Weiner (right)

Noah Weiner
Son of Gaby Olazabal and David Weiner, Saturday, Oct. 8, at Congregation Beth Am in Los Altos Hills.

Sebastian Weiner
Son of Gaby Olazabal and David Weiner, Saturday, Oct. 8, at Congregation Beth Am in Los Altos Hills.