Local activists will hear Netanyahu at AIPAC conference

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"A large and enthusiastic conference will send a clear signal to Israel's friends and its foes that Americans remain unwavering in their support of the Jewish state," he said.

High on the conference agenda is the strategic threat to Israel from Iran, Syria and Iraq. Delegates will participate in an exclusive Town Hall meeting on Monday morning with some of the architects of the peace process, including Dore Gold, Prime Minister Netanyahu's foreign policy adviser, and U.S. special Middle East envoy Dennis Ross, who recently returned from an exhausting tour of the Middle East after helping the parties conclude the Hebron agreement.

Lamm predicted that this year's conference will be "exhilarating." Attendees, he said, can "rub elbows with top American and Israeli officials, learn about the key issues facing our country from senior policymakers and lobby with pro-Israel activists from every state. It is truly an extraordinary feeling to personally impact the political system in this way."

To register for the conference, contact AIPAC's Pacific Northwest Regional office at (415) 989-4140 or visit AIPAC's Web Site at http://www.aipac.org