Israels infancy — news dispatches from 50 years ago: Amid rioting, eruptions, groundwork laid for

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JERUSALEM, Dec. 5 (JTA) — The no-man's land between Tel Aviv and Jaffa erupted into flames and gunfire today as frenzied Arab bands made several attempts to invade the city.

Jerusalem, where it was thought there would be wild riots today, following the offering of special prayers in all mosques, was relatively quiet. Crowds of Arabs milled about in the Arab quarter, and Haganah squads were stationed in Zion Square, heart of the Jewish section. Several youths attempting to start a demonstration in the street outside the famed Omar Mosque were halted by older Arabs.

Speaking inside, Sheikh Jamil el Khati called on the worshippers to wait patiently until the signal has been given. He read the appeal for peace issued yesterday by the High Commissioner, who today toured the gutted Jewish commercial section of the city.

Meanwhile, amid reports of continuing anti-Jewish and anti-American violence in Arab countries, particularly the British crown colony of Aden, adjoining Yemen, it was learned that King Abdullah of Transjordan has sent a note to all Arab rulers, notifying them that he will not permit "foreign troops" to pass through his territory.

Abdullah's stand, if maintained, would effectively hamper efforts to invade Jewish Palestine, since Transjordan is the logical staging area and springboard for a large-scale invasion. Abdullah told the Arab leaders that he was striving for a peaceful solution to the Palestine problem.

Council receives plan

LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., Dec. 5 (JTA) — U.N. Secretary-General Trygve Lie today formally presented the General Assembly's decision on Palestine to the Security Council, through its president, John Hood, of Australia.

In his communication, Lie drew special attention to the fact that the Security Council is directed by the Assembly to take action in any situation in Palestine which may "constitute a threat to the peace" or which is designed "to alter by force the settlement" decided upon.

Haganah to ship arms

NEW YORK, Dec. 8 (JTA) — The Haganah will suspend "illegal" immigration to Palestine in favor of shipping arms for the defense of the new state — by the same clandestine methods, if necessary, a Haganah officer who just arrived in the country, indicated at a news conference today.

Speaking under the auspices of the Americans for Haganah, Theodore Kollek, a wartime liaison officer between Haganah and British intelligence, added that the arms needed by the Jewish militia will be purchased legally, but will be shipped by all possible methods.

Land transfer date set

LONDON, Dec. 8 (JTA) — Official circles today indicated that the British government intends to surrender the Palestine Mandate on May 15, 1948.

An announcement to this effect will be made by Sir Alexander Cadogan, head of the British delegation at the United Nations, to the U.N. implementation commission as soon as the commission is set up, a government spokesman said. He hinted that Sir Alexander will suggest that the independent Jewish and Arab states in Palestine come into existence on June 1.

Jews request aid

NEW YORK, Dec. 10 (JTA) — An appeal for monetary and other assistance to the Jewish community of Aden, where scores of Jews have been killed by rioting Arabs during the past 10 days, has been received by the World Jewish Congress headquarters here today.

In a cable signed "The Aden Jewish Sufferers," it is stated that Arab mobs, including native troops, burned down two synagogues and the community's only schools, as well as pillaged and burned nearly every Jewish-owned shop and killed or wounded many Jewish men, women and children. "If it were not for the British troops in transit," the cable said, the "whole Aden Jewry would have been wiped out."