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Bread and water

Jews traditionally go to the sea or a river or a lake on Rosh Hashanah — to pray and throw bread crumbs into the water. Symbolically, this is to allow fish to devour their sins. This ceremony is called tashlich.

The following are suggestions for the types of bread most appropriate for specific sins and misbehaviors.

For a bad temper: Sourdough.

For showing too much chutzpah: Any fresh bread.

For complex sins: Multigrain.

For having dark thoughts: Pumpernickel.

For dressing immodestly: Tarts.

For using drugs: Poppy seed.

For over-eating: Stuffing.

For egotism: Puff pastry.

For harming the environment: Dumplings.

For acting like you are holier than thou: Bagels.

For too much indecision: Waffles.

For excessive use of irony: Rye.

For telling bad jokes: Corn bread.

For extreme laziness: A long loaf.

For raising your voice too often: Challah.

For sheer stupidity: Nut bread.

For abusing the medical marijuana law: Stoned wheat.

For being tasteless: Rice cakes.

For arguing based on twisted thinking: Pretzels.