Fair trade cocoa campaign starts

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Fair Trade Judaica, a Bay Area–based nonprofit that  supports fair trade artisans in the manufacture of Jewish products, has launched a campaign to create kosher-for-Passover fair trade chocolate.

An online petition urges kosher chocolate manufacturers to use only fair trade cocoa products. It reads in part: “We ask you to begin sourcing Fair Trade cocoa beans, which have standards prohibiting child or forced labor, so that the chocolate we eat next Passover will not remind us of our own slavery.”

In addition, Fair Trade Judaica offers online resources on how to “fair trade your seder,” including a haggadah supplement that draws attention to the issue of children laboring in the cocoa fields of West Africa. To view and/or sign the petition, visit www.fairtradejudaica.org. For more information, call (510) 926-2056.