News U.S. Jewish groups should report all threats, security group says Facebook Twitter Email SMS WhatsApp Share By JTA | January 23, 2015 Sign up for Weekday J and get the latest on what's happening in the Jewish Bay Area. In the wake of the deadly Paris attacks, the security arm of national U.S. Jewish groups is asking Jewish institutions to report any threats, vandalism or attacks. The Secure Community Network, or SCN, in a Jan. 18 memo, told Jewish institutions that information it gathers could assist national law enforcement agencies in detecting trends. Organizations should first notify local law enforcement of any threat or incident, the memo said, and then inform SCN. The memo also urged institutions to instruct staff and volunteers to review SCN’s online training on facing attackers. The memo described increased security in Europe in the wake of the Jan. 7-9 attacks in Paris on a satirical weekly, a kosher supermarket and police that left 17 people dead. “While we are not aware of any credible, specific threats against Jewish organizations in the U.S. at this time, in light of the recent attacks in Paris and other counter-terrorism actions against suspected terrorist plots across Europe, it is imperative that we continue our vigilance, security efforts and increased information-sharing to stay ahead of this continuously evolving threat,” SCN said. The Secure Community Network is funded by the Jewish Federations of North America and the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations. — jta JTA Content distributed by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency news service. Also On J. Bay Area Berkeley Law dean on what free speech is, and is not Organic Epicure Their grandmothers’ notes became a Mexican Jewish cookbook Local Voice Many politicians today love to make a scapegoat of others Film Lamb Chop and Israel star in Silicon Valley Jewish Film Festival Subscribe to our Newsletter I would like to receive the following newsletters: Weekday J From Our Sponsors (helps fund our journalism) Your Sunday J Holiday Bytes