Election 2016 | Local JCRC vigorously condemns Bannon appointment

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The San Francisco-based Jewish Community Relations Council added its voice to those of other JCRCs around the country, writing in a Nov. 14 statement that it “unequivocally condemns” Stephen Bannon’s appointment as President-elect Donald Trump’s chief strategist.

“The national appointment of anyone who takes pride in the rhetoric of hatred, or who works to ostracize women and racial, ethnic and religious minority groups, is totally unacceptable and must be vigorously opposed,” Hadara Stanton, JCRC president, said in the statement.

“It’s no coincidence that we’re seeing an alarming increase in race-based attacks and anti-Semitic incidents in California and across the nation,” the statement continued, calling upon Trump to “use his new platform to make clear his vigorous opposition to any hate-motivated activities and acts of violence.”

“Extremist statements that amplify hate and drive divisions in this country put all minority populations, including our Jewish community, at risk of marginalization and violence,” executive director Abby Porth said in the statement. “The antidote is to fight for our values of justice and compassion, and to redouble our efforts to be engaged in the democratic process.” — j. staff