D’li the water bucket, AKA Aquarius, the sign of the Jewish people, in a 1322 German prayerbook.
D’li the water bucket, AKA Aquarius, the sign of the Jewish people, in a 1322 German prayerbook.

Horoscopes for Adar I: There’s no place like home

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Adar I, 5782

Feb. 1-March 2, 2022

The travails of the Jewish calendar during this leap year reach their furthest stretch during Adar I, which begins Feb. 1 with a new moon in Aquarius/D’li, and runs through March 3, when the new moon in Pisces/Dagim resolves this long overlap of Hebrew months with the Solar months of the secular calendar. Adar I is an extra month, added seven out of every 19 years to resolve the solar/lunar gap. Without it, the Jewish calendar would come unmoored from the seasons.

All the regular 12 months of the year have their tribal ruler — 12 tribes, 12 months. So who is the tribal ruler of this 13th month? It’s Joseph himself, the hidden Tzadik, or righteous one, while the Hebrew letter Tzadi is the Hebrew letter associated with Aquarius, the sign of the Jewish people and through which the sun transits through most of this month. “Yosef,” his Hebrew name, means to add — and Adar I is the added month.

Mercury/Kochav conjuncts Pluto Feb. 11, bringing powerful words that can heal — or destroy. The conjunction of Venus/Noga with Mars/Ma’adim Feb. 16 with the full moon in Leo/Aryeh unfolds the secret of Purim Katan, the tiny slice of Purim that precedes the full holiday in Adar II. We can connect in the most profound and intimate way — and doing so en masse may level up the epoch, as Jupiter/Tzedek sextiles Uranus/Oron and the sun moves into Pisces Feb. 17-18.

The last quarter moon in Sagittarius/Keshet Feb. 23 is followed by Mars and Venus sextile Neptune/Rahav, and Mercury square Uranus and sextile Chiron the asteroid on the 24th. This power-packed cluster of planetary energies manifests like Yosef in Egypt: Great revealing truths are told, which heal hearts and alter relationships.

As Yosef asked for his bones to be brought home when the Israelites were redeemed, so Adar I adds our voice to that of Yosef’s. Our bones ache for redemption. We want to go home.

Aries / Taleh

Planetary ruler Mars/Ma’adim in Capricorn/Gidi is concerned with your public image. Mars sextiles Jupiter/Tzedek with the moon in Aries Feb. 4, enlarging your reputation. Mars square Wounded Healer Chiron in Aries Feb. 6 energizes empathy for vulnerability — both your own, and that of others. Mars trines Neptune/Rahav at the first quarter moon in Taurus/Shor Feb. 8, enhancing your worth, financial and otherwise, in the eyes of decision-makers. Venus/Noga and Mars conjunct at the full moon in Leo/Aryeh Feb. 16; this is Purim Katan, during which the mysteries of love are revealed!

Taurus / Shor

First quarter moon in Taurus Feb. 8 illuminates your path so you can see if you’re still going in the right direction. Venus/Noga and Mars/Ma’adim conjunct at the full moon in Leo/Aryeh Feb. 16. Love relationships with strong spiritual aspects eclipse all others. Who and what feels like home to you right now? Trusted friends play an especially important role right now. With rising uncertainty in the external world, your sense of equanimity can be restored and rebalanced by connecting with those tried and true, who have shown themselves steadfast in the long haul.

Gemini / T’omim

Mercury/Kochav stations direct Feb. 3 and re-enters Aquarius/D’li Feb. 14. You’re ready to upgrade your intimate relationships to include the spiritual realms now that you’ve laid a foundation for trust and common values. The deepest truths emerge at Mercury’s conjunction with Pluto Feb. 11. Issues of power and control are exposed to the light. Mercury squares Uranus/Oron and sextiles Chiron Feb. 24. Surprising revelations have healing properties! The biggest surprise may be March 2 at Mercury’s conjunction to Saturn/Shabbatai at the new moon in Pisces/Dagim; you’re in the spotlight, praised for mature your responsibility.

Cancer / Sartan

You’ll go to the moon and back — no pun intended! — for a friend, which you may find yourself doing at the new moon in Aquarius/D’li Feb. 1. First quarter moon in Taurus/Shor Feb. 8 solidifies that commitment. The full moon in Leo/Aryeh with Venus/Noga and Mars/Ma’adim conjunct in Capricorn/Gidi Feb. 16 is richly romantic, calling for tokens of devotion such as crowns, thrones or real estate deeds in your name. Don’t sell yourself short! You’re restless and ready to run at last quarter moon in Sagittarius/Keshet Feb. 23; new moon in Pisces/Dagim March 2 seeds a service-oriented, sacrificial love.

Leo / Aryeh

Sun conjuncts Saturn/Shabbatai in Aquarius/D’li Feb. 4. Who plays the wise elder in your emotional drama? Is it you or your partner, or do you take turns? One or the other of you will play the rebel, the other the authority. Change costumes with each other to avoid bringing down the curtain. Sun enters Pisces/Dagim Feb. 18; you’re concerned with commonalities in your most intimate partnerships and the urge to meld is strong. Sun sextiles Uranus/Oron at the new Pisces moon March 2; appreciate your uniqueness and that of your partner. Both stars can shine!

Virgo / Betulah

Mercury/Kochav stations direct Feb. 3 and re-enters Aquarius/D’li Feb. 14. Matters of the heart merge with practical concerns; first quarter moon in Taurus/Shor Feb. 8 refocuses on the core spiritual connection between you and your significant other. Your words have power to wound or to heal Feb. 11 at Mercury’s conjunction to Pluto. The sun in Pisces/Dagim from Feb. 18 strengthens compassion and helps to dampen down the inner critic. Mercury conjunct Saturn/Shabbatai March 2 at the new Pisces moon reminds you that your physical health is tied to your emotional well-being. Love is self-care.

Libra / Moznayim

Venus/Noga conjunct Mars/Ma’adim in Capricorn/Gidi at the full moon in Leo/Aryeh Feb. 16 is also Shushan Purim Katan (the day after Purim Katan, which is itself a tiny glimpse of Purim one month early, a unique feature of Hebrew leap years); for you that’s about divine mercy being revealed through the hidden hand of God in the realm of home and family. Address your own health concerns head-on Feb. 18-21. Seek communicative clarity around these issues so there is no confusion. Venus sextile Neptune/Rahav Feb. 24 exponentially increases empathetic compassion; take extra care to stay in balance and tend to your own pressing needs as well as those of others. God shows grace to the gracious.

Scorpio / Akrav

New moon in Aquarius/D’li Feb. 1 reboots family values in a big way. Mars/Ma’adim sextiles Jupiter/Tzedek with the sun conjunct Saturn/Shabbatai Feb. 4; you’re strongly compelled to be the grownup in the room. Try not to take responsibility for others; they need to develop it for themselves. Mars sextiles Neptune/Rahav at the first quarter moon in Taurus/Shor Feb. 8; allow yourself to be vulnerable and find both comfort and joy. Venus/Noga conjuncts Mars at the full moon in Leo/Aryeh Feb. 16; you find opportunities for eloquence in the languages of love.

Sagittarius / Keshet

Mars/Ma’adim sextiles Jupiter/Tzedek Feb. 4, energizing issues of family needs and communal resources. As a rule, the universe is generous to you as a reflection of your own natural generosity. Jupiter sextiles Uranus/Oron Feb. 17, initiating unusual and unique forms of sacrificial service. You don’t have to prove your goodness! Find an outlet for restless energy best suited to your style. Last quarter moon in Sagittarius Feb. 23 sees the resolution of tension built up far too long. Find a safe person to confide in, and a healthy way to blow off steam.

Capricorn / Gidi

Ancestral truth and ancestral trauma often run on parallel tracks. You’re finding some of both this month, with the sun conjunct Saturn/Shabbatai Feb. 4. Repeated trauma makes psychic indentations you’d like to remodel. Carving new and healthier paths ahead is hard work. Respect your own boundaries; though you have remarkable endurance, give yourself a chance to refresh and renew this month. Sleep deeply. You need to ruminate on all the information you’ve ingested, both physically and psychologically. Mercury/Kochav conjuncts Saturn March 2, and that will help open your lips to speak your own truth.

Aquarius / D’li

New moon in Aquarius Feb. 1 kicks off a month of some serious contemplation around what your role is in the larger social structure. The sun and Saturn/Shabbatai conjunct Feb. 4, prompting an examination of your civic responsibilities. Leadership qualities shine when Mercury/Kochav re-enters Aquarius Feb. 14; the sextile of Jupiter/Tzedek to Uranus/Oron Feb. 17 puts a favorable spin on your public persona. Careful not to shock others just because you can when Mercury squares Uranus Feb. 24. The sextile of the sun to Uranus March 2 enhances your unique individuality.

Pisces / Dagim

Lucky Pisces! You get two Adars this year; with both Jupiter/Tzedek and Neptune/Rahav in Pisces, it’s really your time right now. Mars/Ma’adim trines Neptune Feb. 8, energizing your efforts to bring ideas into tangible form. Things flow your way when the sun enters Pisces Feb. 18. Mars and Venus/Noga sextile Neptune Feb. 23-24, garnering support for your initiatives from friends and colleagues. March 2 is a powerful day with new moon in Pisces, Mercury/Kochav conjunct Saturn/Shabbatai and the sun sextile Uranus/Oron. Flexibility is your great strength; malleability is your superpower. Use these wisely.

Lorelai Kude
Lorelai Kude

Lorelai Kude began her career as a professional astrologer in the 1980s. She holds a BA in Journalism from San Francisco State University and a MA in Jewish Studies from Berkeley’s Graduate Theological Union, where her thesis topic was astrology in Jewish cultural history. Find more of her work at astrolojew.com.