Ashkenazi men can carry harmful mutations of the BRCA gene, putting them at elevated risk not only of breast cancer, but also of melanoma and prostate, ovarian and pancreatic cancer. Yet there are precautions they can take to minimize their risks. (Photo/JTA-Thomas Barwick-Getty Images)
Ashkenazi men can carry harmful mutations of the BRCA gene, putting them at elevated risk not only of breast cancer, but also of melanoma and prostate, ovarian and pancreatic cancer. Yet there are precautions they can take to minimize their risks. (Photo/JTA-Thomas Barwick-Getty Images)

Hereditary cancers aren’t just a women’s problem. Jewish men need to take precautions too.

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Bill Harris, a veteran Los Angeles photojournalist, didn’t think much of it when one morning in 2012 he woke up and found a tiny blood spot on the T-shirt he’d slept in. The next morning, he found blood in the same place on his chest — and went straight to his computer.

“Online, I could find only three things that would cause a man’s nipple to discharge blood: being an avid runner, which I wasn’t; having a subtropical fungus, which I didn’t; and breast cancer,” he said. “That was a pretty big shock.”

Harris, then just a few weeks shy of his 61st birthday, immediately called his doctor, who ordered a mammogram and ultrasound. They confirmed a cancerous growth in his right breast. Ten days later, a biopsy came back positive. The next month Harris got a right mastectomy, followed by the removal of his left breast half a year later.

“I walked into a woman’s imaging center and had to get into a pink paper robe,” he recalled. “All the women in the waiting room were staring at me.”

This article was sponsored by and produced in partnership with Sharsheret, the national Jewish breast cancer and ovarian cancer organization. This article was produced by JTA’s native content team.

Larry Luxner

Jewish Telegraphic Agency correspondent


Content distributed by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency news service.