Two memorials to remember Reb Zalman

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Like other Jewish communities around the country, Kehilla Community Synagogue in Piedmont and Congrega-tion Ner Tamid in San Francisco will be remembering the life of Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi on Sunday, Aug. 3.

Schachter-Shalomi, or “Reb Zalman” to his followers, was the founder of the Jewish Renewal movement and a renowned teacher. He died July 3 at age 89.

The local and national shloshim observances will mark the end of the 30-day mourning period.

Schachter-Shalomi had a particularly large following in the Bay Area. Jewish Renewal congregations such as Chochmat HaLev and the Aquarian Minyan, both in Berkeley, and Kehilla, now in Piedmont, trace their founding to him.

The biggest celebration of Reb Zalman’s life will take place Aug. 15-17 near Boulder, Colo., when Aleph: the Alliance for Jewish Renewal holds a three-day Shabbaton/farbrengen.

The gathering in the East Bay will be held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m, with a potluck lunch at 1 p.m., at 1300 Grand Ave., Piedmont. For more information, visit A donation to help defray costs is requested.

In San Francisco, the memorial is free and will start at noon at Ner Tamid, 1250 Quintara St. Ner Tamid is not a Renewal congregation, but one of the organizers of the shloshim is Rabbi Jack Gabriel, who studied with Reb Zalman for three years and was ordained as a Renewal rabbi by him. For more information, call (415) 377-3399.