Federation division hires new director

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Working with him are Young Leadership campaign associates Alison Goldstein in San Francisco and Sean Mandell, in a newly created position in Palo Alto.

Goldstein, a Las Vegas native who has been part of the YAD team for two years, is coordinating couples' activities and singles' missions to Israel. Sean Mandell, a Cincinnati native and graduate of the Otzma program who worked in the JCF marketing department for six months, will develop YAD programming and outreach in the South Peninsula.

Pearlman, who took over the position in late September, is a native of Portland, Ore. As a teen, he was active in the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization and attended its international leadership training institutes.

He graduated from the University of Massachusetts with bachelor's degrees in Judaic studies and environmental science. He was part of the Federation Executive Recruitment and Education Program and worked at the UJA-Federation of New York while completing his studies.

YAD's Latke Ball with the band Tainted Love will take place on Dec. 24 at 1015 Folsom, S.F. For information, call (415) 436-0711 or visit the YAD web page at www.yad.org