Bnai mitzvah

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Zachary Barasch Son of Rachel and Larry Barasch, Saturday, July 5 at Congregation Kol Emeth in Palo Alto.

Jordan Cheney Daughter of Julia Mates and William Cheney, Saturday, June 28 at Peninsula Temple Beth El in San Mateo.

Joshua Jonah Cohen Son of Samantha and David Cohen, Saturday, June 28 in Palo Alto.

Barry Esteen Son of Jennifer Esteen, Saturday, June 28 at Temple Sinai in Oakland.

Ethan Farasat Son of Payal and Joe Farasat, Thursday, July 3 in Israel, from Temple Beth Torah in Fremont.

Ari Feinsmith Son of Elana and Jason Feinsmith, Saturday, June 28 at Congregation Etz Chayim in Palo Alto.

Emma Goldberg Daughter of Elsa and Alexandre Goldberg, Saturday, July 5 at Peninsula Temple Beth El in San Mateo.

Lauren Goldberg Daughter of Elsa and Alexandre Goldberg, Saturday, July 5 at Peninsula Temple Beth El in San Mateo.

Dara Goldfein Daughter of Tamira Elul and Dean Goldfein, Saturday, June 28 at Temple Beth Abraham in Oakland.

Ben Goldgof Son of Regina Franco and Michael Goldgof, Saturday, June 28 at Congregation Kol Emeth in Palo Alto.

Giana Gross Daughter of Lisa and Randall Gross, Saturday, June 28 at Congregation Kol Emeth in Palo Alto.

Charlotte Haber Daughter of Mary Haber, Saturday, June 28 at Congregation Emanu-El in San Francisco.

Lena Hartsough Daughter of Tala and Chester Hartsough, Saturday, June 28 at Or Shalom Jewish Community in San Francisco.

Zachary Hoffman Son of Janice Brown and Andrew Hoffman, Saturday, June 28 at Congregation Beth Am in Los Altos Hills.

Benjamin Jude Son of Simone Fishburn and Ilan Jude, Saturday, June 28 at Congregation Beth Jacob in Redwood City.

Jordan Aliya Klein Daughter of Tiffany and Jonathan Klein, Saturday, June 7 at Temple Sinai in Oakland.

Abigail Lapporte Daughter of Juleen and Dan Lapporte, Saturday, June 28 at Congregation B’nai Tikvah in Walnut Creek.

Jacob Nathan Lauter Son of Stephanie and Sam Lauter, grandson of Bob and Naomi Lauter and Lew and Lynn Glenn, Sunday, June 29 in Jerusalem.

Kara Levy Daughter of Shauri and Jeff Levy, Saturday, July 5 at Congregation B’nai Tikvah in Walnut Creek.

Casey McKay Daughter of Shawn and Richard McKay, Saturday, July 5 at Congregation Rodef Sholom in San Rafael.

Benjamin Peavey Son of Arlynn and David Peavey, Saturday, June 28 at Temple Beth Torah in Fremont.

Seth Pope Son of Denise and Michael Pope, Saturday, June 28 at Congregation Beth Am in Los Altos Hills.

Leah Shear Daughter of Lynne Lazarus and Andrew Shear, Saturday, July 5 at Temple Sinai in Oakland.

Eli Torgersen Son of Naomi and David Torgersen, Saturday, June 28 at Congregation Kol Shofar in Tiburon.

Yakov Meir Zarchi Son of Chani and Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi, Saturday, July 5 at Congregation Chevra Thilim in San Francisco.




Rites of passage in Tsfat


Seven youths from Congregation Emanu-El in San Francisco are celebrating b’nai mitzvah on Saturday, June 28 in Tsfat, Israel:

Liam Fulton-Moskowitz Son of Nancy Fulton and Michael Moskowitz.

Sabrina Lem Daughter of Lisa and Jeffrey Lem.

Samuel Lem Son of Lisa and Jeffrey Lem.

Elliott Soofer Son of Lida and Kaveh Soofer.

Isaiah Starks Son of Tori Laghi-Starks and Kevin Starks.

Sarah Starks Daughter of Tori Laghi-Starks and Kevin Starks.

Eli Swagel Son of Mindy and Eric Swagel.