
Any fool can start a war, but only strong leaders can prevent one

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If Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas mean it when they say they don’t want to see a third intifada, why does it look like that is exactly where they are headed?

Each leader accuses the other of incitement, and not without good cause. Their protestations of purity and innocence as the injured party would be a joke if so many people weren’t being killed and injured on both sides.

The latest round of violence began in June with the murder of three Israeli youths by Palestinians and the revenge killing of a Palestinian teenager by Jewish extremists. That contributed to the summer’s Gaza war, Operation Protective Edge.

 Even before the war, Hamas called for an uprising by West Bank Arabs, but no one listened.

By that time, the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks had collapsed in a cloud of mutual recrimination and finger pointing. The chief U.S. envoy to the talks put the bulk of the blame on Netanyahu’s aggressive settlements policies.

Abbas took that ball and ran with it, calling settlement construction an “act of war” and threatening to file war-crimes charges against Israel in the World Court. He also called the Gaza conflict a “war of genocide” waged by Israel, and Abbas’ chief negotiator, Saeb Erekat, called Netanyahu a “filthy war criminal.”

Similarly, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman called Abbas a “Jew-hater who believes and promotes terror.” Economy Minister Naftali Bennett, the Israeli Ted Cruz, called him a “terrorist” and demanded a military offensive in Jerusalem to root out “the terrorists in their beds at 3 a.m.”

Abbas accused Jews of “contaminating” the Temple Mount and wants them all banned from the site “by any means possible.” His Palestinian Authority even told the international media to stop using the term Temple Mount and use Haram al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary) because the plateau is “an internationally recognized part of the Occupied State of Palestine,” Abbas said, and Israel’s annexation of Jerusalem is invalid.

It is part of the Palestinian campaign to delegitimize Israel, starting with denying its ties to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism for 3,000 years. Just as active on the delegitimization front are those Jews in Israel — and here — who insist there is no such thing as the “Palestinian people.”

Abbas has defined Jewish history in Jerusalem as a “delusional myth” and referred to the “alleged Temple,” according to Palestine Media Watch.

There are few things he could have said to arouse greater Israeli anger and convince most Israelis, including what is left of the peace camp, that he is not serious about making peace.

Netanyahu is justified in calling such statements “incitement,” but he doesn’t stop at the egregious examples; he seems to apply it to every utterance of the PLO leader. The prime minister holds Abbas responsible for every act of Arab violence, but rejects responsibility for similar acts of Jewish violence.

Netanyahu’s latest move is to raze the homes and revoke the citizenship of “everyone who demonstrates against Israel and in favor of the Palestinian state.” By that definition a lot of Jews could be driven out as well, unless his policy only applies to Arabs.

Both leaders are too quick to blame the other for inciting the violence while turning a blind eye to the perpetrators on their own side of the barricades. Incitement is a two-way street that is well traveled in both directions.

The campaign to delegitimize Israel and deny Jewish ties to Jerusalem only strengthens the case for the Israeli right’s opposition to Palestinian statehood.

From the Palestinian perspective, contributing factors include frustration with lack of progress toward peace and statehood, expanding encroachment of Israel on Palestinian land, accelerated settlement construction, heated rhetoric from Israeli leaders, economic hardship, and a feeling there is no hope.

But does that mean they’re ready for a third intifada? Not necessarily.

Khalil Shikaki, a Palestinian political scientist and pollster, told the New York Times that the ground is “fertile,” saying all it needs is “a major spark.”

A senior Israel Defense Forces officer in the West Bank told Ben Caspit of Al-Monitor that conditions exist for another intifada but “we aren’t there yet. Currently there is no organized terror infrastructure in the territories.” But that could change if there is a “severe incident” on the Temple Mount or at a mosque, or, conversely, a brutal attack on Israelis, he said.

Any fool can start a war, but it takes strong leadership to prevent one. Netanyahu and Abbas find themselves as the proverbial political bedfellows. If they stand up to the extremists in their own camps they could lose their jobs. So they keep pointing the finger of blame at each other and escalating their rhetoric. Feeding the beast is the least dangerous course for them — but possibly the most dangerous for the people whose interests they claim to serve.

Douglas M. Bloomfield
is the president of Bloomfield Associates Inc., a Washington, D.C., lobbying and consulting firm. He spent nine years as the legislative director and chief lobbyist for AIPAC.

Douglas M. Bloomfield

Douglas M. Bloomfield is the president of Bloomfield Associates Inc., a Washington, D.C., lobbying and consulting firm. He spent nine years as the legislative director and chief lobbyist for AIPAC.